Glory and honor are their own rewards!

Konrad Sontag @Comrade-K-rad

Age 35, Male

Student, Engineering

University at Buffalo


Joined on 10/28/05

Exp Points:
830 / 900
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5.14 votes
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Comrade-K-rad's News

Posted by Comrade-K-rad - April 5th, 2008


Posted by Comrade-K-rad - March 17th, 2008

Spring break is over, and it's back to classes. Now, I'll have more time to draw!

Posted by Comrade-K-rad - March 11th, 2008

This week is our spring Break here at University at Buffalo. For others it means going out and having fun, going back home to see family and friends, or going off to some strange new land. For me, however, this is no week off, oh no, it's just an opportunity for my dad to use me as free labor. So instead of being on "break" and relaxing or doing someting that even resembles fun, I'll be working at a dull, boring antique store. Moving shit from here to there, from store to wearhouse, etc. Too tired when I get home to do anyhing but sleep or bum around. And so I sit here, tired as all hell, waiting for school to start again. Waiting for some new models to come in the mail for me to build and paint. And drawing, thats whats happening for me tis week; work, drawing, sleep.
Next monday can't come soon enough.
GOOD NEWS! I got an awesome drawing done! Check out my devArt to see it.
WHY ME GOD! oohhoh, WHY ME?

Posted by Comrade-K-rad - January 14th, 2008

Finally I have been liberated from the work camp that is my home. Now I can finally draw!
Soooo, that request that has been made about mmonkies will finally be answered!

Posted by Comrade-K-rad - December 10th, 2007

Finally at long last my semester is over and I can relax and draw and not be at school.

So now, if you have any requests and ever look at this page then let me know and I'll draw it for you.

working on: monkeys

sorry but I'm really busy and wont have time to work until a few weeks from now

Posted by Comrade-K-rad - December 9th, 2007

It's here, and all I can do is battle my way through...

Posted by Comrade-K-rad - November 30th, 2007

ATTN all who care at all, I will now be taking requests from those of you who come here. PM me or write a respone to this note and your request will be created.

waiting for more request please.....GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DRAW!!!!!

Working on: ...nothing

Giant Turtle(AceAnimation)

Taking Requests

Posted by Comrade-K-rad - November 28th, 2007

Well, I think that I managed to fail this morning's exam, so for the rest of taday I will be depressed. Unless of course the Buffalo Sabres win, then I will be happy again. I need a new calc professor, bad.

edit: the sabres lost I'm still sad......

Posted by Comrade-K-rad - November 20th, 2007

I am finally feeling........uplifted, perhaps from all of the propaganda wandering about. So today I will post a picture for any of you who care to give it a gander. So what else but more propaganda!

Picture Time!

Posted by Comrade-K-rad - November 15th, 2007

I need a scanner and a tablet thats all, and could do so much more, I suck with a mouse, plus my mouse sucks so it's a lose-lose, and considering this is a laptop, i can't use that damn touch pad real well either.
I also need a new job, cuz working for the parents sucks ass. I complain too much, so don't add to it by complaining to me about my complaining, when I feel better I will post a new picture.